Miðvikudagar frá 19:00-21:30. Byrjar 5.febrúar.
Kæra þú,
Langar þig að taka á móti heilun og um leið að efla andlega næmleika sálarinnar? Ég býð þig hjartanlega velkomin í heilunarrými sem aðstoðar þig við að tengjast þínum innri kjarna og um leið að ná tengingu við þitt æðra sjálf á meðan að þú tekur á móti áru- og ljóskóða heilun. Ásetningurinn er að opna á nærandi rými ásamt því að taka þátt í hópæfingum til að þróa hæfileikana þína og fá rými til að skapa velmegun og andlega næmni í þínu lífi. Þessar 5 vikur munu innihalda skapandi æfingar við að dýpka og virkja tengslin þín við innsæið og gjafirnar þínar. Þú ert hjartanlega velkomin að næra þig andlega og tilfinningalega og um leið að finna öruggt rými til að efla hæfileikana þína.
Hérna er hægt að lesa meira um okkur: www.homeofgaia.com
Þú mátt búast við:
~ljóskóðaheilun og virkjanir~
~ hópæfingar til að virkja andlega næmleikann þinn og styrkleikana þína sem liggja þar~
~5 vikna ferðalag í gegnum elementin 5 (jörð, vatn, eldur, loft og ether)
~Dýpri tengingu við þitt æðra sjálf og
þínar einstöku gjafir~
~tón & söng heilun~
~hópefli og stuðning frá kennara og hóp á meðan á námskeiðinu stendur~
Það sem fyrri nemendur hafa sagt:
This 5 week journey was so amazing and awakening, beautiful guided through Sif and Tom and assistance. I was blissed out and did the course 2 times! Highly recommend to join, evolve your being and transform yourself! This workshop is mind blowing!
~Atma Silvia Bok~
I went to the course Awaken your being before Christmas and I loved it! Sif is an old soul, very wise and deep and she guided us through some energy exercises and you could feel your spirit rise and your heart become more loving. The music was heavenly and so fitting to what was going on. What I loved about the course was I always felt accepted and valued. And I felt Sif made everyone feel safe and cared for while sometimes gently pushing people to trust and participate. I just loved the energy and also felt very connected to the others in the end, and to the whole. I would recommend this course for everyone
~Ólöf Sverrisdóttir~
I highly enjoyed coming together with the others in the group every week, and experiencing a space where I was able to connect deeply with myself and encounter deep healing and many beautiful insights. After the course, I noticed that my intuition was even stronger than before, and I was able to feel more clearly, not only what my own intuition was telling me about myself, but I was also more in tune with other people, and was able to see things in my friends’ situations, that they did not see themselves, and have been able to help them on their own journeys. Not only that, but, now, a little over a year later, I am amazed when I look at how much has changed for me in my life, after attending the course. I found a truth while on the course, about myself, my inner being, my life purpose and my passions – and in the following year I found strength, and a way to manifest so many of my passions and dreams. The biggest milestones are probably releasing my debut album, after having been wanting to do so for many years, and organizing and holding my release concert for the album a few months later. A task that I had been dreading for years because of the magnitude of the undertaking. It was not easy, but everything worked out beautifully and smoothly, better than I could have dreamed of. Other things that I’ve seen change in my life are better relationships with the people in my life, deeper connections, better mental health, sleep, and overall wellbeing and more energy. And things seem to run more smoothly, be simpler and easier to achieve. I am eternally grateful to have attended this course, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to find a deeper purpose in their life, to get to know themselves better, to find a way to make their dreams come true, or simply to have space each week to connect with others and encounter deep relaxation and inner peace.
~Vala Yates~
Every week the lovely Sif Yraola offered new possibilities and exercises to access my own energy on a deeper level and supporting me to tune in with my connection within my own being. I got a space to train my intuition and sensitivity which I realised is both “body flow” and a deeply intuitive. Sif Yraola has helped me to be more open minded and receptive to all elements and has guided me on a new path in my life. She has given me a deeper understanding and support to continue to shine the light that I am. Im growing and excited to see what will happen next!
Many thanks
~Sigrún Björk Einarsdóttir~
Það eru takmörkuð pláss í boði svo ef þú vilt ná plássinu þínu þá getur þú skráð þig hér: https://www.srfi.is/skraning-namskeid/ sent okkur einkaskilaboð eða sent tölvupóst á Sálarrannsóknarfélag Íslands: srfi@srfi.is
Það er líka hægt að hringja á skrifstofutíma Sálarrannsóknarfélagsins sem er á mánudögum-fimmtudags kl. 12:00-16:00
Orkuskiptin fyrir þetta 5 vikna námskeið eru:
44.400 isk
Praktisk atriði:
~Þetta 5 vikna ferðalag byrjar 5.febrúar og verður á miðvikudögun kl. 19:00-21:30
~ Engin fyrri reynsla er nauðsynleg og fólk á öllum aldri er velkomið~
~ef þú getur ekki legið á yoga dýnu þá eru þægilegir sófastofar á staðnum sem þú getur setið í~
~það er gengið inn vinstra megin við glerhurðina við aðal inngang skrifstofubyggingu Sálarrannsóknarfélagi íslands~
~Husið opnar kl. 18:45 og við byrjum tímanlega kl. 19:00~
Bestu kveðjur,
Sif Yraola og Tom Allon